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Install Guide for openshift-install binary

The okd-installer Collection calls the openshift-install binary to setup the cluster artifacts (ignition files) to install the cluster.

It should be available on the path ~/.ansible/okd-installer/bin/openshift-install.

If you would like to provide your own installer binary, you should replace that path to yours. The openshift client (oc) is also required to be available on the path ~/.ansible/okd-installer/bin/oc.

Installing the Clients

The okd-installer Collection provides the playbook install_clients to help you to install new clients. It requires the environment variable to be set CONFIG_PULL_SECRET_FILE.

The binary path of the clients used by installer is ${HOME}/.ansible/okd-installer/bin*, so the utilities like openshift-installer should be in this path.

*it will be more flexible in the future.

To check if the clients used by installer is present, run the client check:

ansible-playbook mtulio.okd_installer.install_clients

To install the clients you can run set the version and run:

ansible-playbook mtulio.okd_installer.install_clients -e version=4.11.4

Clean-up old binaries

By default the binaries will be saved with no remove lifecycle.

$ tree ${HOME}/.ansible/okd-installer/bin
├── kubectl -> /home/user/.ansible/okd-installer/bin/kubectl-linux-4.11.4
├── kubectl-linux-4.11.0
├── kubectl-linux-4.11.0-0.okd-2022-08-20-022919
├── kubectl-linux-4.11.4
├── kubectl-linux-4.11.5
├── kubectl-linux-4.11.8
├── oc -> /home/user/.ansible/okd-installer/bin/oc-linux-4.11.4
├── oc-linux-4.11.0
├── oc-linux-4.11.0-0.okd-2022-08-20-022919
├── oc-linux-4.11.4
├── oc-linux-4.11.5
├── oc-linux-4.11.8
├── openshift-install -> /home/user/.ansible/okd-installer/bin/openshift-install-linux-4.11.4
├── openshift-install-linux-4.11.0
├── openshift-install-linux-4.11.0-0.okd-2022-08-20-022919
├── openshift-install-linux-4.11.4
├── openshift-install-linux-4.11.5
└── openshift-install-linux-4.11.8

You can remove the desired binaries manually.